Make an update and redeploy a local plugin to NopCommerce post thumbnail image

Make an update and redeploy a local plugin to NopCommerce

By following steps below, you can redeploy and test plugin changes in development mode:

  1. Go to UI of the Nop commerce > Uninstall the plugin, make you it doesn’t exists in local plugin list.
  2. Make change to Plugin source code.
    Actually, there are 2 folder containing plugin that might cofuse those who are new to Nop.
    a. ..\Plugins\{PluginSolution}
    b. ..\Presentation\Nop.Web\Plugins\{PluginName}
    The first should be where the plugin source code located.
    The second is the location where the plugin is released and stored.
    So, at this step what you want to do is to make change to ..\Plugins\{PluginSolution}
  3. Delete released plugin folder at ..\Presentation\Nop.Web\Plugins\{PluginName}
    Please remember that only folder to be replaced should be deleted.
  4. Rebuild the plugin ..\Plugins\{PluginSolution} by right clicking on this solution and select “Rebuild”. A respectively created ..\Presentation\Nop.Web\Plugins\{PluginName} should be in place.
  5. Publish the Nop.Web solution. Then Look for the plugin name in “Native Plugin” and enable it from Web UI.

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